For over 25 years we’ve been providing exceptional senior home care on Long Island & in NYC.

Senior Care News

Senior Home Care Makes Life Comfortable for Seniors Aging in Place

Senior home care includes tasks like dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping to keep the home clean and tidy.
Senior Home Care in Brookhaven NY

Safety is important if your mom or dad is planning on aging in place. But comfort is important too. One of the reasons why so many seniors are choosing to age in place is that they want to live in a home that is familiar and comfortable.

Senior home care can help your mom or dad be safe at home, and senior home care can also help them be comfortable at home. With the support of a dedicated care provider your mom or dad will have the help they need to manage the household as they get older.

If your senior parent has medical challenges that make doing household tasks painful, or they just need some help keeping their home clean and comfortable senior home care help. Some of the things that senior home care can do for your mom or dad are:

Light Housekeeping

As seniors get older housework can be too much for them. Most household chores require a lot of bending, reaching, and repetitive movements that can be difficult or impossible for seniors.

Senior home care includes tasks like dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping to keep the home clean and tidy. A clean home is a comfortable home, and you will have the peace of mind of knowing your mom or dad is living in a clean and comfortable home.

Laundry and Linens

Washing, drying, folding, and putting away clothes and bed linens, as well as changing bed sheets regularly are difficult chores for anyone, but especially for seniors. Heavy towels and bed sheets, blankets, curtains, and other linens can be tough to wrestle into the washer or dryer.

But if your mom or dad has senior home care, they will always have clean fresh sheets and blankets, soft and clean towels, and fresh linens. In nice weather, a home care provider can even hang linens outside to get that wonderful fresh summer smell on bed sheets, blankets, and towels.

Meal Preparation

Your mom or dad will have all the support they need to enjoy delicious and healthy meals at home. A care provider can help your senior parent choose the meals they want, shop for ingredients, and then prepare wonderful meals. And if your mom or dad doesn’t want to eat alone a care provider can eat with them.

Dishes and Kitchen Cleanup

Washing dishes, cleaning countertops, and ensuring the kitchen is sanitized after meals are also parts of senior home care. Your senior parent won’t have to do any of the difficult cleanup in the kitchen or risk falling trying to carry heavy pots and pots. They can relax while a care provider cleans up.

Grocery Shopping and Errands

If your mom or dad has trouble getting in and out of the car, or they don’t like to leave the house because of mobility challenges they won’t have to. A care provider can take care of errands like picking up mail at the post office, going to the bank, shopping, and any other errands your mom or dad needs to have done.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Senior Home Care in Brookhaven, NY, please contact the caring staff at Help at Home today at (631) 859-3435
Help at Home is a top provider of home care services in Islip, Babylon, Huntington, Smithtown, Brookhaven, Hempstead & Oyster Bay, and surrounding areas on Long Island & NYC. We serve Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk Counties.
Scott Snyder

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